Indian Forest Services Exam (IFS) Chemistry Syllabus

Inorganic Chemistry

Electronic configuration of elements, Aufbau principle, Periodic classification of elements. Atomic Number, Transition elements and their characteristics. Atomic and ionic radii, ionization potential, electron affinity and electro negativity.

Natural and artificial radioactivity. Nuclear fission and fusion.

Electronic theory of valency. Elementary ideas about sigma and pie-bonds, hybridization and directional nature of covalent bonds.

Werner's theory of coordination compounds. Electronic configurations of complexes involved in the common metallurgical and analytical operations.

Oxidation states and Oxidation number. Common oxidizing and reducing agents, Ionic equations. Lewis and Bronsted theories of acids and bases.

Chemistry of the common elements and their compounds treated especially from the point of view of periodic classification. Principles of extraction isolation (and metallurgy) of important elements. Structures of hydrogen peroxide, diborane, aluminium chloride and the important oxyacids of nitrogen, phosphorus, chlorine and sulphur.

Inert Gases:Isolation and Chemistry.

Principles of inorganic chemical analysis.

Outlines of the manufacture of: Sodium carbonate, sodium hydroxide, ammonia, nitric acid, sulphuric acid, cement, glass and artificial fertilizers.

Organic Chemistry

Modern concepts of covalent bonding. Electron displacements-Inductive mesomeric and hyper conjugative effects. Resonance and its applications to Organic Chemistry. Effects of structure on dissociation constants.

Alkanes, alkynes and alkenes

Petroleum as a source of organic compounds. Simple derivatives of aliphatic compounds. Alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, acids, halides, esters and ethers and anhydrides chlorides and amides. Mono-basic hydroxy, ketonic and amino acids-Organometallic compounds and acetoacetic esters. Tartaric citric, maleic and fumaric acids. Carbohydrates, classification and general reactions. Glucose, fructose and sucrose.


Optical and geometrical isomerism concept of conformation. Benzene and its simple derivatives: Toluene, xylenes, phenols, halides, nitro and amino compounds. Benzoic, salicyclic, cinnamic, mandelic and sulphonic acids. Aromatic aldehydes and ketones. Diazo, azo and hydrazo compounds. Aromatic substitution. Naphthalene, pyridine and quinoline.

Physical Chemistry

Kinetic theory of gases and gas laws, Maxwell's law of distribution of velocities. Van der Waal's equation. Law of corresponding states, Liquefaction of gases. Specific heats of gases. Ratio of Cp/Cv.


The first law of thermodynamics. Isothermal and adiabatic expansion. Enthalpy, Heat capacities. Thermo chemistry-heats of reaction, formation solution and combustion. Calculation of bond energies. Kirchhoff equation.

Criteria for spontaneous changes. Second law of Thermodynamics. Entropy. Free Energy. Criteria of Chemical equilibrium.

Solution, Osmotic pressure, lowering of vapour pressure, depression of freezing point, elevation of boiling point. Determination of molecular weights in solution. Association, dissociation of solutes. Chemical equilibrium, Law of mass action and its applications to homogeneous and heterogeneous equilibrium. Le Chatelier's principle. Influence of temperature on chemical equilibrium.


Faraday's laws of electrolysis, conductivity of an electrolyte: equivalent conductivity and its variation with dilution; solubility of sparingly soluble salts, electrolytic dissociation. Ostwald's dilution law; anomaly of strong electrolytes; solubility product, strength of acids and bases; hydrolysis of salts; hydrogen ion concentration buffer action; theory of indicators. Reversible cells. Standard hydrogen and calomel electrodes and red-ox-potentials. Concentration cells. Determination of pH. Transport number, Ionic product of water. Potentiometric titrations.

Chemical Kinetics

Molecularity and order of a reaction. First order and second order reactions. Determination of order of a reaction, temperature coefficients and energy of activation. Collision theory of reaction rates. Activated complex theory.

Phase rule

Explanation of the terms involved. Applications to one and two component system. Distribution law.


General nature of colloidal solutions and their classification; general methods of preparation and properties of Colloids. Coagulation, protective action, gold number. Absorption.


Homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis. Promoters. Poisoning.


Laws of Photochemistry. Simple numerical problems.